Thursday, October 25, 2007

Well thats creepy .... and not in a Halloween kind of way

A friend sent me this link from TMZ ..... whatever that is .... but check it out .... do all Lance's girlfriends look like his mom? Not sure what McConaughey is in there for, but he sort of looks like Lance's mom too. So I guess the bottom line is don't go trick or treating at Lance's house dressed like Linda might just get yourself a date...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Las Vegas is in the desert...right?

Joachim Parbo, Danish national CX champion, complained in his Velonews Interview that the Cross Vegas course needed improvement ..... the problem??? The course was comprised of too many long and slow grassy of his solutions....add a sandpit!!! How f'in ironic is that....a course in LV, a town built in the middle of the desert, needs to truck in sand to break up the overly grassy course?!??!! You wonder why Nevada has water issues......I'm sure repairing the course isnt going to help....

Interbike should just move out of LV...before the industry looses any more of its soul.....